Jenny Barnes Photography bio picture
  • Hello

    Hi and welcome! I'm jenny (obvi) and i'm so happy you're here. i am a portrait and wedding photographer in columbus, ohio. my absolute favorite thing to photograph is love. couples in love, new mommies and daddies in love with their newest bundle of joy, brides and grooms in love about to walk down the aisle. anything involving love. who doesnt love love, right?

    here on the blog you'll find some of my favorite images from recent sessions and weddings of my clients, family and friends. you'll also probably find some personal posts from our large family get togethers or cute pictures of my dogs. because i love my dogs. a lot.

    so sit back, enjoy. if you see something you like, leave me a comment to let me know. much love!

    << this photo by the amazing bobbi+mike

Family Love: Nicole, Todd and the B boys

Nicole is one BEAUtiful mama, surrounded by her family of handsome boys. I’d been looking forward to this session for a while. They’re such a good looking family. And the B boys are soooo fun and adorbs! I had to do a little studying up on them before the session tho. Brayden, Brody and Brennen made for quite the tongue twister when calling their names! But how CUTE are they?!

columbus family photography

columbus family photographycolumbus family photography

columbus family photographythis one is totally my fave, look at how hard everyone is laughing!

columbus family photographycolumbus family photographycolumbus family photographythe B boys: columbus family photographycolumbus family photographycolumbus family photography

columbus family photography

Nicole, thank you for trusting me with photographing your beautiful family. xoJB

Kim - Beautiful images ~ and gorgeous family indeed!!

nicole guy - OMG! Jenny! I’m dying over these. I’m beyond thrilled and can’t wait to have a big fat gallery wrap on my wall! Thank you so much!! I’m finally in some awesome picture with my boys! Eeeeeeee!

Baby Owen, with mom and dad too

Baby Owen was such a doll for me. 5 days new and was such a gem in front of the camera. So sweet and so much hair. After he was born, nearly everyone, even my own mom, was saying how much he looks like his daddy. But the moment i saw him, there was no doubt in my  mind that he looks just like his mommy. Kara is one of my oldest friends, as i’ve said on this blog before. Its absolutely amazing to see her and Pick as parents. Holding baby O, i just couldn’t help but tear up. Babies always get me a little emotional but he tugged on my heartstrings just a little bit more. SO, without further ado, here’s baby Owen and his parents.

with my oldest friend, and her sweet sweet baby boy:

Kara and Pick… i’m so so happy for you both. Owen is such a sweet little angel. Thank you for letting me capture his first professional images. I can’t wait to see him again and steal some snuggles. xoJB

Helen - WOW! Looking at these photos made me miss having a tiny baby. Can totally see how that adorable little guy would give any woman “baby fever” and the images of him are priceless – can’t pick a favorite.

jamie jenkins - Once again you have done a fabulous job… I love all your photographs,but these ones are so special. I look forward to see more of your amazing work. Baby Owen is just so adorable….,he is a lucky little guy,to have 2 wonderful parents like Kara & Sean.

amy & mark & introducing baby Johnny

Amy and Mark are no strangers to this blog. I’ve done their engagement photos, their maternity photos and was SO delighted to photograph baby Johnny. He’s new to the blog so give him a warm welcome. He was such a doll to photograph. Sweet as can be. I didn’t want to put him down which made it very hard to photograph him. So without further ado, I’ll just show you how adorbs he is. Enjoy! xoJB
As we all know, Amy and Mark are huge, HUGE Reds fans.. So, of course i was expecting to to photograph some sort of Reds/baseball paraphernalia. And amy didn’t disappoint, she had plenty of stuff ready for me.

Amy and Mark, thank you so much for trusting me with your precious Johnathan. He’s absolutely perfect.  Love you guys!

Kara - Jenny these are amazing!!!

Anonymous - Wow….how creative and sweet!!!

Mandy & Nick

This couple is very near and dear to my heart. You see, Mandy is my baby sister… All grown up, absolutely beautiful, and getting married to the man of her dreams. I’m super proud of this session, they totally rocked it out, even tho Nick kept turning to me, “are we done, now?”
i could go on and on about these two but since there are so many photos for this post, i’ll let them speak for themselves. So, without further ado, enjoy my beautiful best friend and sister. mandy, i love you to pieces. xoJB

i love these next two.. get it? lol

nick+mandy+nolan | columbus ohio family photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] class in junior high, so she’s pretty much a pro. Some of their past sessions can be seen HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE  (just to name a few, lol).  Nolan is almost 2 now and he’s […]

Kara & Sean & baby in belly

This couple is no newbie to this blog… Kara is one of my oldest friends and I’ve photographed these 2 many many times over the years.. including their wedding and engagement photos… it only makes sense that i captured this next huge milestone in their lives!! Baby Owen should be making his appearance in early may so check back for those images, they’re bound to be adorbs! I’m so happy for you both and can’t wait to meet baby owen in a couple weeks!! xoJB

and of course i had to include one of their first child, Maggie.
