Theres not much to say about this family that i haven’t already said! I’ve been lucky enough to do their family photography sessions a few times now, since little Will was just an itty bitty one. Its so fun to watch him grow. He’s still adorable as ever, his personality is larger than life and he’s definitely all boy. We bonded over our love of dogs too. Whenever i’m at a park and see someone with their dog, i generally stop and give the dog some love, i’m such a sucker for a pup. This is how Will was during our whole session too. We spent lots of time saying hi to all the doggies that were out this evening. I gush about Will a lot because he’s just so damn cute. That blonde hair and those blue eyes, melt! But i love his mama and daddy so much too. They are some of the sweetest, most patient people i’ve ever met. I love getting to see them and capture sweet moments of their family. Like this first image.. its one of my faves from their whole session. Look at how lynn is looking at tom and how tom is getting will to laugh. so much love in one image.
i just love this image of will and tom.. tom spend so much time during out session running after this little energizer bunny. And will loves to fling himself backwards when tom picks him up. And he thinks its hilarious and fun. i think this captured that perfectly.
i see a lot of my 2 year old self in Will.. i used to do that same crooked little smile with that same blonde hair and blue eyes. i love looking at my old photos and seeing that hilarious little crooked smile, i hope Will looks back in 30 years and smiles at himself too.
will’s expression here is hilarious. how cute is he??
yes, will, your blue eyes get me every time.
lynn and tom, thank you again for trusting me to capture this time in your family’s life. I truly do adore you guys. Looking forward to capturing many more years and watching Will grow! xxJBZ
Lynn&Tom | married 7 years | 07.07.07 | Bexley, OH
how they met: We met in college and were friends for a few years before dating our senior year. Tom proposed a first date over cheap beer during a break in a cornhole game. We’ve been keepin it classy ever since.
Lynn | hometown: Dayton, Ohio | History Curator at the Ohio Historical Society | 5 words (as described by tom): warm, funny, thoughtful, kind, loving
Tom | hometown: Canfield, Ohio | Business Development Manager | 5 words (as described by lynn): loyal, intelligent, patient, sweet, hardworking
Will | 2 years | 10.12.12 | 5 words: energetic, curious, stubborn, fun, adorable
will’s favorite things:
new habits, skills, tricks:
In general, creating chaos! He’s a climber and doesn’t seem to fear any obstacle. He’s starting to string words together into phrases.
favorite Will moment:
He was the ring bearer at our cousin’s wedding. Despite being a disaster all morning, when he had to march down the aisle, he performed flawlessly. He is always surprising us!
any new advice as Will is getting older:
Nothing beyond do what works for you and your family. We’ve learned that our lovable little baby has turned into a stubborn monster who is trying to navigate his way through the world using all of his new skills. We’re just trying to keep him safe!
rachel - The colors and softness in these is perfection! LOVE your work! That last shot of Will? Gah! So adorable!
Gisselle - Oh my goodness, JENNY! These are too adorable! I seriously can NOT pick a favorite! great job!!
Carrie - Oh man – these are so great Jenny!! I love the picture where they are making a Will sandwich (him in the middle of them). Love love love!!
Meggie D - These SMILES!!!! I can’t get enough!!! I LOVE THESE JENNY!!!! This kid has the best facial expressions! Great job catching his many faces. I can’t wait for our session!!!! Fab job as always dear friend. xoxo
Laura - I love these all so much!!! Honestly can’t pick a favorite – they are all way too cute!!
Lynn - You captured our little guy perfectly, Jenny! I love that Will reminds you of yourself at that age. We can only hope he grows up to be as sweet, energetic, and talented as you are! I hope he likes looking at these pictures in years to come as well. Tom & I certainly will. Thank you!
Abbey - I love this sessions Jenny! Kids this age are so tough bc they never stop moving, but you captured him in all his glory!
jacqie - I ADORE that last shot. Those eyes! What a cutie he is. Love all the smiles you got from him. 😀
Faye - I LOVE all of these AND this family! Outstanding job Jenny! I can hear the giggles as I look through these. So beautiful as always 🙂
maike rinaye - Dude… the one of him peaking through the gate, are you kidding me!!!! Amazing… so is that last one. What a good looking adorable little boy!
Zach and Sarah - The ones of him peeking through=beautiful, BUUUUUT, the last one…oh. my. word. It’s perfect. He is precious, and his family is adorable, too. Great job!
shannon - these are the SWEETEST family pictures ever! LOVE LOVE the very first on e and the very last one!! amazing work, jenny!!
Chrissy - AHHHHH!!! I’m just in LOVE with this session, Jenny!!!! That first image is the absolute BEST!! Will is such a cutie!!
Megan - Tickles are THE BEST! And that last session. So great-well done, again!!
Bobbi - LOVE all of the ones of Will on daddy’s shoulders… but that last one… I’M DYING! 😀
Caitlynn - This family looks like they are the sweetest! They are all fantastic. My favorite is the one of Will looking through the fence. Oh man, that one tugs at my heart.
Molly - Oh, Jenny, your love for your clients is so obvious. I want to fluff all of Will’s beautiful blonde hair! (Is that weird?) My favorite was the one of will in the bikes… until I got to the last image. !!! They’re all wonderful, though. Fab job, my friend! xo