This family. They are so so special to me and do be able to do their family photography time and time again, really means the world to me. Those of you who know Faye knows she’s an amazing photographer herself and its a true honor when another photographer chooses you to take their photos. Faye has been my person now for over 14 years. We hit it off immediately and become besties and to this day, I dont know what I’d do without her. Savvy girl calls her “frauntie faye” and I couldn’t love that any more. I love Fayes girls just as much as if they were my own nieces and I’ve been so lucky to have photographed them since they were born! And I cant leave Andy out, he and I can fight like brother and sister, just dont let us play monopoly together. Anyway, enough of that sappy stuff.. here’s some of my faves from our time together.When I can get good genuine smiles from Andy, it makes my heart happy. He’s a tough nut to crack when it comes to photo time!
oh faye, I love your face off. you’re so pretty.
you guys. you know I love you. xxJBZ
Faye - Oh my freaking goodness! I love these and you SOOOOOOOOO Much! I can’t stop looking at these. You captured us amazingly! You know my girls (and Andy for that matter) are hard to control when it comes to photos…you ROCKED IT outta the park here! I love you to the moon and back!!!!!!! Thank you!
Megan Danser - Loooooove!!!!!! These are gorgeous!!!!! Faye you guys look fabulous!! Jenny these are beautiful. Perfect job friend. Impossible to choose a fave. Xoxo