Meet sweet miss Marlowe. I’m not gonna lie, she absolutely stole the show at this family photography session. She is such a doll and she’s sweet as pie too. She gives the BEST hugs. I am lucky enough to know this sweet girl and her momma thru baby boot camp columbus, which I cant rave enough about, just ask me. lol but for now, I just wanna rave about this sweet family. I love how aleigha coordinated their outfits to M’s adorable dress. And I absolutely just adored watching this family interact. Its so clear in these images how much mom and dad just love Marlowe, and each other. Heres some of my faves from their session!!this is my favvvvvvvvve! look at Marlowe’s face! ugh I just wanna eat her up! sweetest thing!
you guys, I’m so honored to have been able to capture these for you! I adore you guys. a+m, I’ll see you guys at class! xxJBZ
aleigha+jon+marlowe | Columbus family photography