**let me start this out by saying this is a birth story so the images reflect that**
Sunday night, February 4th, after Savvy’s birthday party, around 845p, we headed to the hospital in the icy, snowy, yucky weather. We were scheduled for a 930p induction. We got into a room a little after 10 and at 1130p, a resident finally came in and checked me. I was keeping in contact with my friend and birth photographer, hoping against hope that she’d be able to make it for the birth. It was late so she told me she’d check in at 7am to see how I was doing. I was at 3cm when they checked me so they decided to put me on a slow pitocin drip. At around 4am, I got an epidural even tho my contractions were still pretty mild and not really painful at all. I didnt want to wait until I was in lots of pain and then the anesthesiologist be in surgery or something. At 530am, they checked me again and I was at 4cm/100% effaced and they decided to break my water. About 45 minutes later, I was fully dilated. 6:23am it was time to start pushing and just like I did with Savvy when they told me it was time to start pushing, I started crying. I was so nervous and worried about baby boy and I knew that as soon as he was born, they’d be taking him to the NICU and I wanted him to stay safe in my belly. I started pushing and he came pretty fast. His shoulder got stuck for about 50 seconds but everything ended up being fine. He was born at 6:34am. Way too early for Mel to make it and document it so JJ (and a couple nurses) did their best so we at least got something. Everything happened so fast, I barely got to hold him before they took him and started getting sensors on him. They took him to the NICU and JJ went with them to find out his weight and length while I got stitched and cleaned up. He weighed in at 7lbs 15oz and 20.5in long. I was finally able to go see him around 10:15a before they transported him to Children’s at 11am. Once we got word that he was settled in, JJ went over there to see him and got to hold him. I was so jealous. It would be more than 24 hours until I finally got to really hold my baby.Β FINALLY got to hold my sweet baby boy.
after 5 and a half days at children’s, he finally got to come home. I know in the scheme of things, we weren’t there that long and I am thankful for that. I’m thankful he got the care that he did. But I am so happy to have him home.Β
and this passed Monday, at 6 weeks old, he finally started smiling at us.Β
Maryann Barnes - Oh Jennyπ such beautiful pics of a beautiful baby boy!
Mandy - So many tears!! He is so perfect!! Love your words and all the pictures. He completes your family and is such a little sweetie! I love him so much! And just adore those pics of him with his big sissy!! ππ
Lauren Hoffa - What a beautiful baby boy!! I know not being able to bring you son home at first must have been so hard, but it gives you an appreciation of how blessed you are to have a healthy child!!
So happy for you all!! π
Mary Ross - So thankful Deacon is here safe and sound and Gods protection over the whole situation! Deacon is such a handsome little guy and growing fast. Congratulations to the whole Zink family! πππ