Our sweet, smart, beautiful girl turned 2 last month. Yes, I’m about 6 weeks late posting this but, you know, I’ve been a little preoccupied. And better late than never. I knew I wanted to have a post dedicated to our Savvy girl. She really does light up our world. I wish I could bottle up her little voice and save it forever. Hearing her sing and hold conversations melts my heart. She loves to run and play outside. She loves to sing the alphabet song (minus h-i-j-k) and twinkle twinkle. She loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and has the clubhouse friends figurines that go just about everywhere with us. She is so fun right now, I dont really want her to grow up. But I’ve said that from about 6 months on. we had a pretty low key party for her this year, I didnt really have the energy to go all out like I did last year. But I did make her cake and all the cupcakes and the cookies. She spent the days and weeks leading up to her party practicing the birthday song, blowing out (pretend) candles and holding up two fingers. And if you ask her what happens after the candles are blown out, she’ll happily say “eat cake”.
the one and only true bump pic my sister and I got together..
Sweet Savvy girl, may you grow up to be smart and strong and kind. May you make good choices and love as fiercely as you do now.
And may you always remember, I love you. so, so much.
Savvy turns 2!

Mandy - Ahhh!! I love her so much. It was such a fabulous party and you did such an amazing job! I’m so lucky to be her auntie! Happy birthday again sweet girl! Auntie mandy loves you so much!