From the minute I found out about this baby girl I have been so excited about her newborn photography. And she did not disappoint. This sweet girl was a DREAM to photograph. I could go on and on about this adorable baby but I’m really really excited to get this blog posted so I’m just gonna leave you with my favorites from our time together!those sweet little toes! I just wanna nibble them!
those cheeks!
her rolls are everythingggggg.
I got a couple little smiles during our session!
christie, you. are. beautiful!
christie and June, she’s so absolutely perfect and I love her to pieces. snuggle her as much as you can while also trying to get some rest! xxJBZ
Megan Danser - Omgeeeee!!! These are presh!! She’s such a little squish! That first one made me melt! Fab job Jenny!! Xoxoxo