you guys.. this kid. I’m so obsessed with him. I wanted to sneak him in savvy’s car seat and take him home with me. He is an absolute doll. And he’s at that perfect, magical age where his personality is shining thru and he’s full of smiles and love. I adore his parents too which probably explains why I love Russ so much. He never stopped smiling at me the entire time I was with him. And in turn, my cheeks hurt when I left because I didn’t stop smiling the whole time. And his fuzzy hair! gah, he’s the best. If we have another baby, and its a boy, I want one just like him! those gummy smiles are my fave! I miss it so much with savvy. her little baby teeth are cute too but once they get teeth they seem so much more grown up!
they have the BEST front porch. I’m so jealous.
this. omg that face. love!
Russ, you’re the best, kid. I adore you and so look forward to watching you grow and seeing who you turn into. h+a, you guys are doing such a great job, and you know I adore you too. see you soon. xxJBZ
Mary Ross - Jenny, Your photography skills are AMAZING!!!! Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have an adorable subject either! 😉 You captured little Russell being natural and brought out his happy disposition! Every picture is a “oh, I want that one”!!! You are a very talented lady! ❤️ To the Zink family! Mama Ross ☺️😍😘