helllooooooo everyone!! its my absolute pleasure to introduce my blog to our newest sweet niece, baby Journee. She made her arrival at 11:03a on April 11, 2017, weighing in at 7lbs 15.4 oz and 20.5inches long. She’s Savvy’s first cousin on the Zink side and makes niece number 5 for JJ and I. Its still crazy to me that our littlest brother has a baby girl, but Kyle is already smitten and has fallen into his role as daddy very easily. And you all know how crazy I am about newborn photography-i couldnt WAIT to get her in the studio!
Sweet girl put up a little fight with me when we first started the session (just like her daddy, not a fan of me taking so many photos I guess) but once she fell into a deep sleep, she slept like a dream and I couldnt stop photographing her! She’s cuddly and sweet and so pretty and has given me serious baby fever. abby, you are beautifulllllll!
I adore this image of Kyle and his baby girl.
Ryder adores his new baby sister and always wanted to help out when mommy was feeding her.
those lips! those cheeks!! gahhhhh!
How sweet is this? Ryder at first wanted nothing to do with having his photo taken, but once he was ready, he turned it way up.
how beautiful is this mama?! she just had a baby 11 days ago!
you guys, thank you for trusting me with sweet Jojo’s first photo session. It was an honor and a privilege to get to photograph another of my baby nieces. She’s beautiful and perfect and I’m so excited to watch her grow up. Congrats to you both! xxJBZ
Lindsay Geske - Omg these are so cute!! I love the family picture!! Good looking group!!
Amanda Zink - These photos are absolutely amazing– what a beatiful little family! I cannot pick a favorite, love them all! Jenny, you did a great job!
Megan Danser - THESE ARE AHHHH-MAZING!!!!!!!! That first one is melting my heart. Perfection! Abby you are beautiful!! Congrats to you and Kyle! Fab job JBZ, as always! xoxox
Judy Switzer - Beautiful photos of the beautiful family! Love them all!