And just like that, I blinked and my sweet Savvy girl is one year old. It happened so fast. I’m having allllll the emotions over here. And I’m also in super party prep mode so all the emotional stuff will have to wait. I’ll be blogging her party sometime next week, and I’m hoping it turns out like I’m picturing in my head. until then, here’s my sweet beautiful girl. this was pretty much how her entire cake smash session went.. the first time. lol She was just NOT happy.
A month by month progression. Cue the tears. all of them.
Happy Birthday my beautiful smart happy girl. We love you more than you’ll ever know. Now stop growing.
Amy - JBZ! These are perfect. She is perfect. I love your hair too! Isn’t she wonderful!? I need to see you and her. I love watching her from afar. Her expressions are perfect. <3 Cherish every moment. It does go fast!
Megan Danser - Ahhhh I LOVE these!!! And that month by month progression is amazing!!! Congrats on a year of parenting JBZ. You did fab. xoxooxox
Mandy - Ahhh!! How is she so big?! Wahhhhh!! These pictures are so so perfect! Love each and every one of them! Happy birthday sweet, beautiful perfect little savvy girl!!!! Xoxo