Meet baby August. The most perfect little squish and my last newborn of the year. I tried to sneak him away when I was packing up my stuff because I just wanted to keep him. Mom and dad weren’t having that. lol I was so excited when I got the email from Rebekah saying she wanted to book me for her newborn photography. Everyone knows I lovvvvve the tiny humans. and this little man was no exception. He was fighting sleep hard tho, he did not want to miss out on what was happening. And thats alright with me, we got to see his pretty eyes! I see that little smile august, you can’t hide that from me!
oh his lips!! how perfect is he?!
Rebekah, you are stunning.
I see another tiny smile from August here.. and mom and dad just beaming!
ending things with my fave. so so sweet!
Casey and Rebekah, thank you guys so so much for trusting me with this super special time in your life. You’ll never regret having images of him when he was so tiny. I miss it so much! congrats again, I adore you all!! xxJBZ