I have been so looking forward to sharing these photos with you. I photographed Kara’s senior photos a *few* years ago back when I was at the studio in beavercreek. we’ve kept in touch via social media ever since and I’ve become quite obsessed with her adorable little lady. So I was absolutely over the moon when she asked me about doing their family photography session and Alylah’s one year images! this baby girl is so full of spunk and she’s one of the cutest babies I’ve ever met. also, this girl has more hair than I do. she definitely got allllll those Italian genes.
We started out in Alylah’s birthday outfit. how freaking perfect is this? kara couldnt find just the perfect tutu so she made this herself. its amazing. I might need her to make savvy one for her birthday!
daddy is so absolutely adorable with her. always sneaking in kisses. you can tell these two are pretty smitten with their girl.
gahhhh! she was so full of the cutest smiles. I just wanted to take her home!
that ponytail!
this is my fave, I think. I just love it so much, and lylah’s sweet profile. I also love how her pony looks like the perfect little baby bun here.
kara and Brendon, thank you guys so much for trusting me with capturing this special time in your lives. i adore you all. especially that sweet baby girl! xxJBZ
Natalie - How utterly sweet are these three?! That is the most adorable babe!! Amazing job, Jenny!
Melissa Yocum - Oh my lands she’s cute!!! Love love love all of the smiles! And LOVE those last two. She’s going to so treasure those when she’s grown!!
Megan Danser - AH!! This little girrrrrl!! Her pony and sweater are everything. Gorgeous photos of a sweet family. Those balloon images are precious. Fab job as always Jenny! xoxo