my sweet beautiful girl is 9 months old. 39 weeks. (I promise I’ll stop counting in weeks once she hits a year). this time has absolutely flown by. and I haven’t shared a savvy post since her baptism which was just after she turned 6 months! soooooo thats three months work of photos to catch up on.. I tried to narrow it down as much as possible but, you see, I take A LOT of photos of my girl. I truly cannot help it. she lights up our world. she has so many different expressions, not to mention all of her adorable outfits. so, I want to apologize in advance but at the same time I really don’t. she’s super cute and who are we kidding, this is more of an easy way for me to come back and find photos of her down the line, and for family who lives far away to see how much she’s grown. so, jumping right in.. we’re starting off right where we left off.. just after she turned 6 months old. this is the day she got her ears pierced, she dressed up for the special occasion.
savvy ADORES Molly girl. she loves her so much. always reaching out to pet her or touch her feet, she giggles when Molly chases her tail or scratches herself, and she even waves to her when she comes into the room.
this is one of my most favorite images of savannah so far. I adore everything about it, but mostly – her eyes! this is one of my favorite headbands from Aubrey Gianna. And this romper was totally a favorite outfit this summer from Bailey’s Blossoms_, I’m totally doing to order it again for next summer.
I mean, look at the back!? so cute!
and I always try to coordinate outfits with my girl when I can.
these next three photos were from our family photo session with the talented Faye Sommer_… thank you again so much faye faye for capturing these for us! xx
this is bun-bun. savvy’s most favorite thing in the world. I don’t know what we’d do without it. she loves bun bun so so much. its adorable to see.
savvy had some friends come over for a quick visit.
sometimes after bath night I mohawk her hair and let it dry that way. its my fave.
Savvy went on her first flight at the end of September.. I’m hoping to do a whole post on our Florida trip but I wanted to include a couple here.. Hi Auntie Linz and Uncle Chris!!
blue is so her color.
another favorite outfit that we almost didn’t get to wear because the 3-6 month size range was the majority of savvy’s wardrobe.It was hard to get all those cute outfits in when the temps were appropriate.
auntie Mandy and cousin Nolan came for an afternoon visit. Nolan and savvy love each other so much. its adorable to see.
Savvy went to the zoo for the first time a couple weeks ago. Nolan showed her all the good spots.
riding on a train at chuck e cheese. she loved it and was on it for quite a while.
and she was a strawberry for halloween! no beggars night this year, she goes to bed at 6, right when it began. so maybe next year.
savvy officially started crawling on halloween. and now that she can crawl and get to a sitting position all by herself, she moves around in her crib way more than before. she’ll sit up and play with her pac and her lovey for a while before falling asleep. I saw on the monitor that she had put her head down and I was going to just go lay her on her back again. I didn’t realize she had actually fallen asleep like that. it was too cute not to photograph. but then I moved her to a more comfy position.
and just like that, she’s 9 months old. andddddd today was try three with peanut snacks, and I’m happy to report, we still haven’t had a reaction. lets hope it stays that way.
happy 9 months baby girl. we love you so so much. I hope you always remember that.
Christie Ross-Johnson - Oh Jenny. I just love every part of her & you. You’re the best Mommy! She’s so lucky to have you & JJ!!!!!!!
Maryann Barnes - Such beautiful pics of such a beautiful babe!
Hannah Ross - Your family is so stunning! 💫
Mandy - Perfection!!! She is such perfection and I just love her to pieces! She’s such a beautiful angel babe! Every single one of these pics is just beautiful! You guys are the best parents and I’m so proud of the sweet mommy you are! Love you sis😘
Faye - She is just the cutest little doll! I love SO many of these. Hard to pick but I kinda love her two expressions in the blue stripe the best! Love her and you so much!