you guys know this team. they’re very very special to me. and Claire knows lots of talented photographers so the fact that she keeps wanting me to do her family photography, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. seriously. I had a lot of fun with these crazy boys of hers, even if seeing them get so big makes me sad. why does time move so quickly?
we started out with a little rough and tumble.. boys being boys. they don’t hold back either, there was lots of tackling going on from both parties! lolI just can’t resist this image.. I love Andrews sweet smile and little albie peeking at me over dad’s shoulder. these boys are the cutest!
can we talk about andrews ADORABLE outfit and how grown he looks?! he is a heart melter for sure!!
and my dear CB.. you are beautiful!
CB and B-money… thank you again for trusting me to capture these moments in your lives. I adore you both and those sweet crazy boys of yours. give them big squeezes for me! xxJBZ
Claire - Oh my!
My dear, sweet, incredibly talented friend!
Truthfully, I have fretted and fretted over these pictures. No one…NO ONE would know the sheer colossal meltdowns actually taking place here (even from the adults…okay…just me). I thought FOR sure it was a bust. My sincerest apologies for doubting your magic!
My favorite session to date(births aside)! Wow! I love the ones with me and the individual boys, I love Andrew by himself and Albie and that slobbery sucker.
I’m gonna get a big ole fat gallery wrap of the third image (first family pic on the blanket)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!