6 months. 26 weeks. Half of a year. I can’t believe how fast its flown by. Our girl is beautiful and happy and healthy. She smiles all the time and laughs at Molly the most. She lovessssss her daddy and lights up whenever she sees him. I can’t stop with the photo taking. as much as i try. and this post is chock full of photos. i tried to narrow it down, really i did. But, she’s too cute. I started off with some 4th of july photos since i didn’t do a 5 month blog post. I’ll probably post another blog early next week with her official stats (we go to the doctor tomorrow) and more photos of course since she gets baptized on Sunday. Things are good around here, tho not always easy. She’s spoiling us tho, i know not all babies are as easy as she is right now. I know it will change, so we’re enjoying this calm before the next storm. she still can’t roll back to belly yet. but she triesssss. so i have a lot of photos of her like this. half way there. lol
she discovered the dogs a little while ago and ever since then, she loves to watch them. we’ll sit outside and watch daddy play w molly and her head goes back and forth like she’s at a tennis match as molly fetches and retrieves. if molly shakes or scratches her ears and savvy can see her, she busts up laughing. and she always reaches for them if they’re nearby.
i’m pretty smitten.
with that face, how can you not be?
i recently got her these Zoli teethers at the suggestion of some of the moms in a group i’m in… she LOVES it.
this is her crazy baby face. its so funny.
she loves to touch our faces. if you follow me on snapchat, you’ll see that sometimes. she always grabs my nose or touches my lips when i sing to her at bedtime.
we got to have a pool day at megans house last week. she did not like the raft i got her, but she enjoyed the pool if i was holding her, or if she was sunning herself on that blue raft. lol
Right now she still sleeps in her sleep suit at night but no longer for naps. she’s growing out of it and i don’t want to buy another one so, we’re trying to get her used to sleeping without it. and she loves her Bunbun that she sleeps with always. she’s a great little sleeper, goes down at 7 and sleeps til around 615. She is still taking three naps a day and we put her down awake, she’ll babble and blow raspberries for a bit before she falls asleep. She’s a champ at putting herself to sleep.
she caught me sneaking pics of daddy doing the bedtime routine.
haha she loves this new elephant pillow we got her. its so soft and cuddly and i kinda want it for myself.
we tried carrots for the first time last week. she wanted nothing to do with it. not. a. fan. didn’t start well and ended in tears. we tried oatmeal the next morning and she’s doing a little better with that. not sure how a spoon works yet, but she’s getting better and better every day.
anddddd we’re practicing sitting. this is mostly just so mommy can take more photos of her in her adorable outfits.
her eyes are still blue. we’re still hoping they stay that way.
and just like that, she was 6 months old. i’d say she’s pretty happy about it.
savvy | 6 months | columbus ohio baby photography

Faye - Ahhhhhh! I seriously can’t handle her cuteness. Can’t wait to show these to Evie. She will flip over the cuteness. And where did the time go. Ahhh! Love you and your sweet little family!
Amy - These are incredible as always! Love the faces you captured. Her clothes are adorbs and she is just the prettiest little girl. Love all of these. And good job getting her to fall asleep on her own. You will thank yourself later! xoxo
Carrie - I can’t even pick a favorite picture because all of them are adorable! She has the sweetest smile and her accessories/outfits are just the cutest! And the sleep thing- you’re doing great! I wish Max still took consistent naps, lol 🙂 happy 6 months!
Mandy - Oemmmmmmmmgeeeeeeeee!!! Just. Stop!!! She is the cutest baby in the world!!!! But seriously, such a beautiful baby girl!!! I love every single one of these pics and I even got choked up when I saw the one of you holding her in the pool. I love you as a mommy, Jenny! You are an amazing mother and you are doing such a wonderful job!!! Kisses and hugs to you all.. Love this family so very much!!!