High school senior photography used to be all i did when i worked at a studio in beavercreek. It holds a special place in my heart even tho i don’t do nearly as many seniors as i once did. And this guy especially was fun to photograph. I cannot believe he’s going to be graduating in a few short months. Doesn’t seem like that long ago that he was just a little guy! I think technically he is my first cousin once removed, or something like that. I’ve always just called him and his brothers my “little cousins” even tho, they are all bigger than me now. lol
We started out at some locations around his school and i about died when i saw these arches. i adore archways like this!
And those blue eyes! are you kidding me?
we had the BEST fall day. I’m not sorry it looks like that sky is on fire behind him. love love love all that fall color!
this smile. i just adore this one. i tend to try to make a fool out of myself a lot to make people laugh to get genuine reactions out of them (because those make the best photos, duh). And Ryan definitely was laughing at me multiple times. But i don’t mind at all when it gave me images like this one! And those leaves!
Ryan, i wish you nothing but the best as you finish out your senior year and can’t wait to see where you decide to go to college!
Ryan | Class of 2016 | Columbus, OH
St. Charles Preparatory School
clubs/activitites | cross country, ultimate frisbee
Favorite Food | brownies
Favorite movie | Princess Bride
Favorite Subject | history
Plans after high school | go to college to study business
What are you most excited for at college | independence
The Perfect Friday Night | bonfire with friends
what will you miss most about high school | the people
Meggie D - What a handsome guy!!! I’m in love with these!! Jenny, you are SO GOOD with seniors! Those fall colors are insane and I LOVE all the light. Perfection friend! oxox
Mandy - These images are so beautiful! I cannot believe how grown up Ryan is now! I still think of him as a little guy. Great job with this session– love the fall colors! My fave!!:)
Melissa Yocum - So handsome!! And the color!! Man, I love fall!! These are GORGEOUS, Jenny!!! You NAILED this session!!
Angie - These are awesome!!! He has such a great smile!!
jacqie - awesome job! you rocked this session. love all the fall-colored bokeh. <3
kerry+tanya+ryan+noel+christian | Columbus Ohio Family Photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] easy task with three super busy boys, one of which just finished up his first year at Miami (I did Ryan’s senior photos about a year and a half ago). And let me tell ya, having three brothers of my own, its not always […]