More fall family photography!! This fall has been SO gorgeous here in Ohio. I’ve loved every minute i’ve gotten to spend outside with some of my favorite families! This team is no stranger to the blog. I’ve been lucky enough to photograph them 5 times! Getting to see sweet baby Will grow into this crazy adorable little guy has been so amazing! Check out how little Will has grown via his past sessions: HERE, HERE, and HERE. I adore this family so much, they are some of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. AND i just love how Lynn always coordinates their outfits perfectly!i mean, are you kidding me? that smile?! that little thumb thru his belt loop. MELT.
they’ve been married over 8 years now. i love this image so much.
and of course, will couldn’t be left out of the love fest.
lynn and tom, thank you both again, so much, for trusting me to capture these images of your family. its truly an honor. love getting to see and hang out with your beautiful family year in and year out! xxJBZ
Columbus, OH
lynn+tom+will | together: 2003 | engaged: 2006 | married: july 7, 2007
lynn | hometown: dayton, ohio | history curator | favorite food: depends on the day…right now it might be wine 😉 | 5 words: short, sweet, warm, cuddly, curly
tom | hometown: youngstown, ohio | marketing analytics manager | favorite food: pie | 5 words: loyal, dedicated, goofy, loving, easily distracted
will | 3 years | 10.12.12 | favorite food: when i asked will, he said “Gruffalo Crumble”. He’s currently obsessed w the book The Gruffalo | 5 words: energetic, chatty, curious, funny, sweet
your perfect family weekend:
uninterrupted sleep followed by a day at home, playing outside with Will, and a good home cooked meal. We’re definitely homebodies!
Jacqie - What an adorable little guy. Love this Fall session!
Abbey - Man, gorgeous fall colors is right! I love these photos! Such a sweet family!
Tsone - Oh my goodness…. Will is SO HANDSOME! You rocked this session once again, no wonder these have become a tradition for this family 😀 Amazing to watch them grow. Love love love.
Carrie - these images are just TOO good!! Will is getting to be such a big guy 🙂 Love the one of Lynn and Tom together on the ground and where Will is holding her face! LOVE!
Angie - These are all absolutely gorgeous!! What a beautiful session!! That little guy is adorable too!
Megan D - OMG!! This little family!! The one of him squeezing their cheeks!! I die!! Such a fab job Jenny!!! xoxo
Lynn - I just showed these to Will and he got a big smile on his face and said “Hey! What happened to William?” Then he asked about Miss Jenny. Thank you so much for doing such a great job capturing our little family. You are so good at what you do!
Laurie - Stop it right now with the sweet love over here! I mean these three could not be cuter together! Gorgeous setting, gorgeous family, and just absolutely gorgeous images of them! Awesome tradition to have, these are perfect memories for them to have!
Faye - Lynn and Tom I adore seeing your love of Will in all these shots. He is such a cutie pie! Jenny you captured some priceless moments here. I’m obsessed with that black and white where will has his hand on him mama’s cheek. It gives me the giggles and makes my heart smile! Such great work Jenny!
Melissa Yocum - Ah I love these!!! Little Will is just adorable!!