Some of my favorite Texans made their way back to the buckeye state and i was lucky enough for them to entrust me with their family photography again!! You guys may recognize this family from their session last year, and its so fun to look at how much Barrett has grown!! Gone is that pudgy little baby and in his place is this adorable toddler, with the coolest hair! lol and i found out on this trip that Genny is expecting again!!! I cried when i found out because these two are just the best parents and i’m so excited to find out if little Bear is gonna have a brother or a sister! We had lots of fun during this session, if you don’t believe that i try to make my sessions super fun, all you need to do is look at Bear’s face in these images. Trust me when i say we had a ball! And i love how their outfits are coordinated! Don’t be afraid of of patterns, friends!
Last year, we had their session on Barretts first birthday, and he was standing but couldn’t take any steps yet. So i was able to plop him down and he was stuck. He’d stay put and just smile up at me. This is was a completely different story. This kid was literally running circles around me and loving every single minute. He loves to run, just like his mama who has completed many half marathons, triathlons, and even Ironmans! I bet Bear follows in her footsteps!
Little boys love their mamas don’t they?
Oh, bear, you’re just too cute for words!
you guys, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for trusting me with your family photography. I’m honored to be the one to preserve these memories for you. Now move back to Ohio already! 😉 love you guys! xxJBZ
Columbus, OH
Brian+Genny+Barrett | engaged: 03.12.11 | married: 11.19.11, Galveston, TX | Richmond, TX
how they met: we met on! our first date was PF Chang’s and Baker Street Pub. We were matched perfectly because by the end of the night we were quoting each others favorite movies!
Genevieve | hometown: Houston, TX | Assistant Principal | 5 words: organized, kind hearted, goal oriented, nurturing, smart
Brian | hometown: Centerville, OH | Mortgage Loan Officer | 5 words: kind, patient, funny, hard working, supportive
Barrett | 2 years | 07.16.13 | nicknames: Bear, Mr Man, Monkey | 5 words: loving, playful, observant, adorable, creative
Barrett’s favorite things: Mickey Mouse, blocks, bedtime stories, puzzles
Chrissy - Oh my WORD!!!! What an adorable little guy!! Such a beautiful family!! Congrats to them on their upcoming new one!! Love these images, Jenny!!
Jenny - Wow, what a sweet little family. Hope you get to photograph them again with their plus one, so we can see more! Great work – these are beautiful.
shannon - what a gorgeous family..and adorable kiddo!! really love the color/processing on these. great session!
Julina - Be still my heart!!! I LOOOVE this session! Definitely one of your best Jenny!! Love love love!
Kristine B - Oh my word – Barrett is THE CUTEST. You got so many awesome smiles! LOVE.
Rachel - LOVE this session! Such a cute family!!! These pictures are all so, so adorable!
Faye - These are GORGEOUS! Bear is the cutest! I love Genny’s hair AND…she’s amazing….Ironman??? For realz?? Incredible. Great session as always JBZ
Karen - Oh that little bear is a heartbreaker~ such a darling smile and those eyes! Love this session with such a sweet family. They look so happy, great job photographing the family love!
Nicki - What an adorable family!!! Barrett is such a cutie and I love his hair!! What a great family session, so many genuine smiles. Awesome job Jenny!
lauren - HA! What a happy, little, silly guy! I love this session – there’s so much love between these three, and you photographed it beautifully!
Caitlynn - What?! That first image is killer! Just perfect. And Bear is the absolute cutest name and cutest boy. I can’t even imagine how much fun you had during this session. P.S. – This momma is GORGEOUS!
Danielle - So beautiful and so much fun! I love the one of the little guy running out from behind the bush, what a great capture!