As many of you know, newborn photography is among one of my favorite things in the world. These tiny humans melt my heart over and over again. I’m so amazed my them and their teeny tiny fingers and toes. The smell of that sweet spot on the top of their heads. I’m pretty obsessed with all things baby. Remember that sweet baby that came into the world earlier this month, finallllly here are his newborn photos! This babe was so sweet for me, i just wanted to take him home with me! Andrew wasn’t too keen on getting any photos with his new baby brother.. but i mean, come on, he’s two. I try to tell all my moms of newborns with a 2 year old (or younger!) that getting a sweet image of the new baby with older sibling isn’t always feasible.. baby’s safety is my first concern, always, and with those little toddlers, who knows what you’re gonna get. We were trying to get a family photo and claire said, “here’s our christmas card image, ‘we have a new baby! and our two year old is a jerk'”. HA!
oh this sweet yawn! love!
little pouty lips.. so so sweet.
see what i mean about those itty bitty toes?! i’ll admit i nibbled on those sweet toes a little.
oh claire, you are so beautiful!!
i adore this image of brycen w baby Albie!
c+b… congrats again on baby Albie, he’s absolutely perfect!! I love him to pieces! and you know i adore you both! thank you for trusting me to capture these precious images of your boy. xxJBZ
Dayton, OH
claire+brycen | engaged: december.2008 | married 5 years | 07.10.2010 | home now: dayton, oh
claire: | hometown: springboro, oh | photographer/SAHM | 5 words (as described by brycen): beautiful, loving, caring, selfless, funny
brycen | hometown: fairborn, oh | Mortgage Loan Originator | 5 words (as described by claire): handsome, genuine, patient, selfless, strong
andrew | 2 | 03.29.13 | nicknames: bubby | opinionated, strong willed, silly, loving, hot wheels enthusiast
albion | 4 weeks | 06.01.2015 9:01am | 7 lbs 7 oz, 20.5 in | nicknames: albie, cubs | sleepy, sweet, patient, hairy, loving
tell us a little about your birth story:
I’m very proud of both of my c-sections but this second time around was very different and recovery was much more difficult.
Because Albie was full term (unlike his brother), nursing came much easier to both of us, which was awesome!
Details of Albie’s delivery day is very foggy, which is why I’m so grateful for Jenny and her beautiful pictures of my son’s birth!
how did big brother andrew react to having a new brother:
The first time Andrew met Albie in the hospital he was very sweet and adorable. However, that story changed when we got home 5 days later and Andrew realized Baby was here to stay.
He’s mostly loving and accepting but Andrew is still adjusting.
what ‘must haves’ should expecting moms make sure to have in their hospital bag?
This is coming from a mom who checked into the hospital with full hair and makeup…but here are my three “must haves” for your (c-section) hospital bag. Good news, you can get it all at Walmart!
1.) The biggest granny-panties you can find. Parachute size should suffice.
most helpful baby product or shower gift as a brand new mom:
surprisingly, i’m kind of a minimalist in the baby “stuff” department. Those first few weeks I’m a big fan of Komodo onesies, plenty of receiving blankets and a Rock N play sleeper.
best piece of advice given to you:
Your children don’t think you are doing a bad job, so you shouldnt either.
best piece of mommy/daddy advice to others:
Just do what works for you and don’t forget to make time for each other. (Unless that doesn’t work for you, in which case just do what you want!)
Kristine B - I just love your newborns sessions. All of these shots are so fabulous. Those baby toes just make me melt!
Jenny - Jenny, these are so sweet, and he is so adorable. He’s like the perfect little newborn, and his mama is gorgeous!
Maike Pulliam - Aww, that big ol baby yawn is sooo cute!
Justina - Perfect portraits, I’m loving all of the photos, especially that last shot of the three of them together.
Bobbi - JENNY!!!!! You are seriously SO good at newborns!!!! I love your posing and processing… you’re just the best! 😀 LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!!
Claire - Be still my heart! I’m in love all over again! Brycen and I are so incredibly grateful to have such a sweet and talented friend like you. These pictures mean more to me than the ones taken on my wedding day! You perfectly captured sweet and squishy personality! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.S For you concerned readers (Mamaw Staten, Mimi Pittman) I don’t really think my 2 yr old is a jerk 😉
I love you JBZ, your are so totally awesome!
Nicki - These are seriously amazing!!! I love every single one of these images. Even the black & white photo with big brother. That’s such a real moment and one that they can all laugh about one day. You take such beautiful photos and this session is no exception, awesome job!!
Chrissy - I cannot even stand how ADORABLE Albion is!!! What a little sweetie!! Jenny, I love how you’re able to create beautiful poses with this little one, yet capture so many precious candid moments (Um, that yawn? That little smile!?!). I’m in LOVE with this set!!
Lauren - Way to rock this Jenny! I have a two year old, so I definitely know how finicky they can be – but you STILL got a beautiful image of the kids! Beautiful, as always!
rachel - Oh man. Your newborn sessions are so, so amazing!!! These are so beautiful!
Kathleen - Love, love, love!!! You are amazing at what you do. Claire and Brycen make beautiful babies and you are fantastic at capturing them! 🙂
kim - Oh the yawn and the little smile!! You are so good at newborns Jenny!!! These are beautiful!!!!!
Joanna - Love love LOVE!! Beautiful pictures with some beautiful people!!
Julina - These images just further backup that a professional photographer with great reputation is worth every penny!! You re a genius!!
Megan D - I don’t know how I missed this blog post!!! I’m IN-LOOOOOOOOVE with these images!! Claire, your sweet family is precious. Albie is too much cuteness!! Love the image with Claire and LOVE 2nd image on the gray blanket. You’re SO GOOD Jenny!!! xoxoxo
Gisselle - GAHHH!! Stop!! You are giving me baby fever! These are SOOO cute!!
Melissa Yocum - LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! These are SPECTACULAR, Jenny!!
Angie - BEAUTIFUL!! Your newborn work is stunning! And best Christmas card ever! haha.
Abbey - Jenny!! I want you to photograph my newborn!! You are Ahhhmazing. I think that first shot is my favorite.. That is one CUTE baby!!
Rachael Allex - These are so precious! Congratulations to the addition to your family!
Faye - THESE. ARE. PERFECTION! I peeked at them on my phone a while back and unfortunately got distracted and didn’t make it back until now and I’m drooling over how beautiful these are! Your light, depth of field, baby whispering skills and of course Albie is perfect too! Claire looks amazing in her close up shot. So great Jenny!