If you are a frequent visitor to my blog, you should recognize this team! Claire is one of my besties and this is their sixth time on my blog (maternity, birth, newborn, family and when andrew turned one). Theres not much to say about this family that i haven’t already said. I love doing their family photography, i love watching them all interact. No one can make andrew smile like his mommy and daddy can. And i adore all of his facial expressions! This kid cracks me up! i love this one! i’m such a sucker for pretty fall color and also, look how andrew and brycen are both looking at claire. Wub.
this is one of my faves too. that sun in andrews hair! sweet family smiley cuddle time. love it!
all i can see when i look at andrews face in this image, is claire.. i swear i’ve seen her make that face a thousand times.
i love how you guys love each other.
claire bear and b money, thanks for trusting me to capture your family at this moment in time once again. you know i love you and its an honor that you trust me with your family heirlooms. xxJBZ
claire+brycen_andrew | Dayton, OH
claire | hometown: springboro, oh | stay at home mom/photographer | 5 words, described by brycen: beautiful, loving, caring, selfless, funny
brycen | hometown: fairborn, ohio | Mortgage Loan Originator | 5 words, described by claire: selfless, patient, debonair, charming and very funny
andrew | 19 months | 03.29.13 | nicknames: Bubby | 5 words: fearless, cunning, manipulative (in a cute way?), charismatic, incredibly observant
andrew’s favorite things:
new habits, skills, tricks:
everything has to be in pairs. we eat every meal w 2 spoons, he usually has 2 pacifiers on hand, and he likes to play with toys that match (balls, blocks, legos, etc).
Andrew is surprisingly really good at putting his toys and dirty clothes away, which is interesting because his parents are slobs.
Just last week andrew taught himself how to do free standing cannonballs in the bathtub. At first its impressive and then you realize that you could break an arm or bust his head open. Andrew things he is a stunt man in training. There is no height nor depth too scary for him. He often leaps without looking!
I just know we will be “those” parents who are frequent flyers in the emergency room.
favorite andrew moment:
when he practices leading church songs. It took us a while to realize what he was doing the first time he did it. He stood behind his Fischer Price farm (his podium) would hold his hand up to his mouth and blow (like into a pitch pipe) then hold his hand up and give us the pitch.
It was so precious when we realized what he was doing and just shows that children are watching and absorbing everything.
any new advice as andrew is getting older:
i have zero advice to offer other parents now that andrew is getting older. andrew makes if very clear every day that i know nothing! haha! so brycen and i just TRY to be flexible and do what works for us.
Meggie D - Awwww!!!! I can’t believe how BIG he’s getting!!! And all that hair!! I love these! It looks like you guys smiled and laughed non-stop the entire time! My faves are your faves Jenny. And I love the one of Claire and Brycen. AAAAAMazing job as always friend. xoxo
shannon - oh my heavens!!! LOVE these. gorgeous colors!! that little man is adorable!! i just want to scoop him up and kiss those cheeks!!
Mandy - Swoon!! I adore this family! Andrew is just the cutest little guy! His smile warms my heart! I can see all of the love in these photos. Great job JBZ once again! And claire and Brycen you guys are doing a phenomenal job! He is so happy:) love you all!
Rachael Allex - You can definitely see the love these two have for this sweet little boy! As a mom of a 9 month old baby boy, these makes my heart so happy! Love the curls (mom and baby!)
Faye - Oh Jenny these are so wonderful! I love these three! Andrew is absolutely adorable!
Zach and Sarah - Oh my goodness. SO many good things I could say about these! They are an ADORABLE family, and that baby is perfect. How cool is it that so many of their family memories have been captured by you? What a HUGE compliment to your talent!
Claire - ….And then I cried!
Thank you for capturing us *almost* perfectly! A more accurate portrayal of us would be in sweatpants and white tee shirts, but we gotta get a little fancy every once in a while 😉 You can really see how much I love my boys in these pictures. My favorite is Andrew being a goofball on B’s shoulders. Thank you for your talent, you are amazing and I love love love love you so much! xoxo
Lisa - These are beautiful! Three of my most favorite people in the world! Thanks for capturing them so beautifully. I love the way the sun is shining in Andrew’s curls….gorgeous! Looks like I need to make more room on my walls. 😀
Dawn - I don’t think I stopped smiling the entire time looking through these. Great job on capturing such a beautiful and smiley family. Love!
Gisselle - OHHH this family is zoo adorable. You can see how much mom and dad love Andrew. SO sweet! Great job on these!
rachel - I LOVE these! So, so beautiful! Love how happy they all are, and the cuddling and the love!
Chrissy - Soooooo cute!! I love they’re natural smiles and interactions!!! Every one of these images is frame worthy!! 😀
jessica - Wow! There are so many sweet moments between this family, I can feel the love. Great Job!
Karen - This family is a sweet as candy! This shoot is so well done, makes me want to grab my kiddos and go play in the leaves. How cute is that baby! The eyes! The curls! great shoot!
Angie - This family is so sweet!! And little Andrew is ADORABLE! What a beautiful family and beautiful images.
Rachel r - Such beautiful light. You’re a pro at finding that yummy back light!
Tsone - Gorgeous fam… Andrew totally has papa’s eyes! Love this 🙂
Bobbi - Oh my! I love every single one! That little man’s hair… I’m dying over his perfection! Beautiful images friend… absolutely beauuuutiful!!!