God saw that you were getting tired,
A cure was not to be.
So He put His arms around you
and whispered, “Come with Me.”
With tearful eyes, we watched you suffer,
And saw you fade away.
Although we loved you dearly,
We could not make you stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hard working hands to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes “the best”.
its hard to believe its been 5 years… sometimes it feel like longer than that, and sometimes it feels like yesterday. 3pm today marks the time we lost the rock of our family, the man who made me who i am today. i preach the life lessons he taught me to people all the time. He was the smartest man i knew. He knew how to fix everything from all of our cars to the plumbing in the house when something went wrong. Its still not quite normal for me to take a car to a mechanic/shop when all i used to do was call up dad and he’d know what to do every time. We’ve somehow managed to make do without you, dad.. tho we all know it definitely hasn’t been easy, and we wish everyday that you were still here.we all got together yesterday (well, all except for my younger brother, Justin) to just be together and remember dad. we try to do this each year around the 27th which is usually right around memorial day. none of us knew 5 years ago on the 26th that on the afternoon of the 27th it’d be the last time we saw our dad.. this is why i take so many photos, all the time, and why i love to capture memories for other families.. you never ever know when you might lose someone you love.. and looking at all those photos above, yes i tend to cry, but i also laugh and smile.. looking at photos of loved ones is such a great way to recall past memories. I’m grateful i have all the photos that i do of my dad and whole family.. everyone always gives me grief because i always take so many, but, i’ll never be sorry for putting them thru it. lol
hard to believe so much as happened since you left, dad.. 3 of your kids are married now. 3 more babies have been added to the family and lots more pups too. your youngest just bought a house! life goes on, i guess.. just wish you could’ve been here for all these milestones..
Rest in Peace, Dad.. i hope we continue to make you proud as you watch over us. we love and miss you always.
Faye - I wish I had more comforting words to say…want you and your family to know how much I am thinking of them and you. Sending you all hugs today. love you friend.
Mandy - As I sit here crying from this post– Nolan looks over at me and then I smile and smiles and I know Dad has everything to do with that. This is so perfectly written. Great job jenny. We miss you dad. Wish you could’ve met Nick and Nolan and been here for it all.
Bobbi - I love that you took such great photos of him later in life… the first and last one are really special. Your family is just the best. Sending love your way. Big time.
Kara - I love the entire Barnes family! I am thinking of you all during this sad anniversary. Your dad would be very proud of all of you. This was very well written Jenny.
Meggie D - Thinking of you and your family Jenny. Love you big time sister. Xoxoxo
Stephany Nelson - That was beautiful Jenny. He would be so proud of you and the woman you have become! You will always have a special angel looking over you. XOXO
Helen - Sending hugs & love to your fam today. Jenny, you’ve been one of the dearest people in my life. You’re just amazing & continue making your dad proud EVERY day. Love you.
Amy - I am in tears! What an incredible tribute to the most amazing man in your life. Love you to pieces JBZ!
melanie - HUGSSSSS. I wish there was something i could say, but as you know there isn’t. keep your head up and your kick ass angel is totally proud of you and what you’ve become. xoxo
Bryan S - Jenny, what a beautiful tribute. Couldn’t help but get a little teary-eyed myself when reading that.
I get what your saying about the milestones. It’s hard, but I truly believe God helps your dad be apart of these events. Just not in ways we can totally comprehend.
Janine Coale - Jenny, this is such a beautiful tribute to your Dad. So glad you have wonderful memories of him and photos to show your love for each other. You are a beautiful person and your love for people shows in how you interact as well as the joy you capture in your work. I’m sure your Dad is so very proud of you.