I adored Carrie and her family from the minute i met her last fall. I was SO excited when she contacted me again for her family photography for Max’s one year session. Macho max was so super smiley and fun for his 6 month session, i just knew he would rock this one year session out of the park. And boy oh boy, he definitely didn’t disappoint! Look at those curls!! And the way carrie coordinated their outfits, swoon! future families, take note! seriously tho, this kid’s smile melts me over and over again and the way this family loves each other so fiercely warms my heart.
look how happy they all are! GAH! <3
yeah max digs me. love you too little bubs!
god i love this. at this point max was all over and hard to keep in one place, so i can’t believe i got this sweet cuddle fest photo!
carrie and rob, you know i adore you. and i’m over the moon for max. thanks for trusting me to capture these sweet moments of your family. big big love friends! xxJBZ
Maxwell James | Columbus, OH
Max | 1 year | 05.09.13 | favorite things: music, his pacifier, his tent (from IKEA), daddy, and mommy | 5 words: curious, smiley, active, cuddly, and smart
best macho max moment so far:
advice for new parents on surviving the first year:
Try not to get frustrated with your spouse – they are doing the best they can as a new parent, just as you are! When frustrations arise, take a deep breath, smile, and decide if it’s really something to make an issue of.
favorite foods right now:
broccoli, chicken, bananas, and all carbs!
least favorite foods right now:
blueberries and grapes
one baby item you couldnt live without:
swaddle blankets
biggest first year struggle:
At about 10 and half months Max got an ear infection that would NOT go away. We were at the doctor every week – he got put on a nebulizer (for breathing treatments) and did three rounds of antibiotics.
Finally – he was cleared of it at his one year appointment. But – the not sleeping, and cranky baby were kind of terrible.
kim - Jenny — these are incredible!! I’m in love with all of them!
Mandy - Beautiful family and absolutely beautiful photos. This little guy is so adorable!! Great job once again jenny!! Loved the cuddle session pic too!! Love!!!
Meggie D - THAT FIRST PHOTO!!! It made me squeal!! He’s to die for cute! Love their sweet outfits and momma’s super cute accessories! AWE-some job Jenny!! Love, love it. Can’t wait for our turn next week!! xoxo
shannon - are you kidding me with these!? amazing!! that first shot is TO DIE FOR ADORABLE!! he has the greatest smile i have ever seen!!!
Bobbi - SUUUUUCH A CUUUUUUTE BABY BOYYYYYY!!!!!! Gorgeous images my friend… GORGEOUS!
Carrie - Jenny – I’m absolutely obsessed with these!!! They are so very beautiful and capture our family perfectly right now 🙂 You are just too good!! Gah! How will I ever decide??! love love love
Kate Borgelt - Such crazy cute images. That little man’s smile is so adorable… and the light! GAH! The light!
Caitlynn - What a cutie pie! This little guy is going to grow up and be so thankful you captured all these perfect images of him and his parents! Great work, Jenny!
Ben - MY WORD! That kid is so photogenic! Great job Jenny B!
Lynn - Amazing as always Jenny! It helps that you have such an adorable subject. Love Macho Max and the whole family 🙂
Gisselle - Oh he is so cute!! Such a happy family! Love all the pics, Jenny! Gorgeous!
Jacqie - He is such a show stealer. LOVE this little boy. <3
Micah - What a cute kid!!!!! When Max is smiling and you see those little bottom teeth….awesome!!! Love the last several family shots the most! Great job!
Dawn - Perfect light. Perfect little faces. These images are gorgeous!
Katie D. - OH MY GAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDD Max is the most expressive bundle of cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant get over how cute this session is! LOVE
Faye - Such an adorable family and such awesome photos. I absolutely love the flare horizontal one. So perfect and beautiful. Always amazing stuff here my dear!
Melissa Yocum - Oh my goodness!!!! That face!!!!! Love these, Jenny!! Every one!!!
melanie - adorableeeeeee
Julie Paisley - OMGoodness!!! SOOOO cute!! Love these Jenny!!!
Nicki - What a cutie!!! This family is so adorable! Beautiful beautiful photos!