Meet the adorable Hauck family, its their debut here on the blog. I had so much fun with this little family, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much when i got in the car to drive home. i adore the fact that they call their little guy Macho Max, i mean, come on, how cute is that? he even has his own instagram hashtag! i was so happy with the fall color we had all over the park for their session too. Fall in Ohio can be so pretty! These guys were total troopers, going along with all my silly games and idea. but really, like carrie said, Max just stole the show..
look at that sweet smile, doesn’t it just make you smile?
this is totally my favorite. i love dads little smile, love mom’s big laugh.. i just love love love it.
carrie and rob, thank you for allowing me to capture your beautiful family and this special time in sweet Max’s life. i had so much fun with you all and hope i get to work with you all again! xxJBZ
Columbus, OH
carrie&rob | together since 04.2009 | married 2 years | 04.16.2011 | Columbus, OH | home now: Powell, OH
how they met, as told by carrie: we both worked at the Columbus Zoo and were at a going away party for another co-worker. we talked most of the night and rob bought me several blue moons.
he “friended” me on facebook the very same night and many texts and phone calls later, we had our first date at Cap City Diner. We’ve been going strong ever since!
carrie | hometown: Dayton, OH | preschool teacher at the Columbus Zoo| 5 words (as described by rob): beautiful, intelligent, fun, crafty, thoughtful
rob | hometown: Lake Oswego, OR | courier for Columbus Zoo | 5 words (as described by carrie): laid back, loyal, caring, handsome, so very patient
Max | 6 months | 05.09.2013 | 5 words: smiley, curious, talkative, cute, active
a favorite memory/moment from Max’s life so far:
carrie’s favorite moment: When my maternity leave came to an end and I had to take him to daycare for the first time – I was paranoid that he would forget me.
I walked through the door after work (rob picks up) and his face lit up with the biggest smile and I knew for sure he recognized me!
best piece of mommy/daddy advice:
when they say it “takes a village” to raise a child – they aren’t lying! Get yourself a good village.
Those people will lift you up when you are struggling, give advice when asked for, and generally support you in ways you didn’t even know you needed.
Katie D. - that fourth image and your fav are my favs!!!!! GORGEOUS FUN session!!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL! Carrie’s smile is absolutely killer and her style is on point! I love everything about this! Well done, friend!
Faye - This family is beautiful! That little guy is adorable and looks like he LOVES the camera!!! You can totally feel the love in these photos! Wonderful work JB!
Destinee - Such sweet smiles! Great job capturing their absolute joy!
Lindsay Strode - Loving all the fabulous smiles and gorgeous fall colors! This family looks like so much fun!!
Chrissy - AHHHH! Macho Max…what a sweetie!!! So many favorites, but I LOVE that wide shot of them with the colorful trees, and the one where Rob is kissing Carrie’s cheek. They look like a fun family!! Nice job, Jenny!
Nicki - I love this session! Such an adorable family and I love that you were able to get a super sweet picture of just mom and dad too. Love this location, the light is beautiful and this family is gorgeous!! Awesome awesome job!
Dawn - What a cutie pie that kid is! The one of him on the blanket needs to be a canvas! I also love the shot of all three together laughing/smiling with the sun flare. You can tell this is one happy family! 🙂 Great images!
Keren - What gorgeous colors, light and family. I love how you captured them having fun! There are so many here that I would frame! Nice job!
Sally - What a happy little guy Max is! I love all of these but you can’t beat his sweet face in that last one. Beautiful family and beautiful photographs!
michelle - I love these! They look so happy together. Awesome. And gorgeous fall colors. 🙂
Micah - Look at all of that color!! Beautiful baby, beautiful family, beautiful photos… Great work Jenny!!
Britt - I love Carrie’s smile!! You can just see happiness and love radiating off of her! Jenny, these are wonderful!
Molly - Oh my crumbs. Two things: 1) THAT LAST ONE! Stopped me in my tracks with that smile. 2) The colors! You midwesterners are so lucky with the fall foliage you get. And okay, three things: 3) What a beautiful family! Great job, Jenny—you never fail to impress.