this team is no stranger to this blog. you guys remember the dansers.. and then added little leo .. well little leo got a little bigger, and actually looks totally different to me. i was so excited for their family photos because leo is at that perfect age.. sitting up by himself and full of giggles and smiles, and not yet crawling so i didnt have to chase him! also, when i posted their sneak peek so many people commented on megans hair, which is funny because i was totally going to talk about it here. megan has the perfect hair. its always perfect. ALWAYS. she literally has the best hair of all my girlfriends.. and thats saying a lot, my girls have good hair. but whenever i’m around megan, i have serious, SERIOUS hair envy. big time. but i digress.. here’s the danser family!
oh leo, you stinker, i heart you. (and can we talk about meg’s shoes?!)
he always has so many smiles for his mommy..
that face that meg’s making.. that scrunched up nose smile.. its one of my favorite faces of hers.
this is the epitome of the danser family. one of the cutest little families i have the privilege of knowing.
seriously, how cute is he?
this is quite possibly one of my favorite images, ever.
seriously, this kid.. leo is just the best baby, always so happy and always smiling. while i was editing these images, JJ came into my office and this photo of leo was on my screen.. i told him that if we ever have a baby, and end up having a boy (its no secret that i want a girl), i want to order one just like this. please and thank you.
meg and drew.. you guys.. i adore you. thanks for trusting me to capture your family again. meg, you know a ton of photographers so its an honor, really. xxJBZ
Plain City, OH
megan&drew | together since 09.2008 | married 2 years | 06.24.2011 | Grand Haven, MI | home now: Columbus, OH
how they met, as told by meg: our parents grew up together and we grew up knowing each other. But I’m a year older and was always too cool for Drew. Until 2008 and I saw all of his muscles.
megan | hometown: Grand Haven, MI | Photographer| 5 words (as described by drew): smiley, beautiful, fun, great-mother, sweet
drew | hometown: Sistersville, WV | account manager at clinical specialties | 5 words (as described by megan): kind, patient, loyal, super-hot, thebestthingthateverhappenedtome
Leo | 8 months | 03.21.2013 | 5 words: adorable, happy, low-maintenance, loving, wild
a favorite memory/moment from leo’s life so far:
Drew – Leo said dada on command.
Megan – I was walking out of Kroger gazing at my beautiful newborn when a bee flew into his car seat.
I screamed and crushed it with my FINGERS simultaneously.
That’s when I realized I would do anything for this baby and that I did have natural maternal instincts after all.
best piece of mommy/daddy advice:
Gripe water. It’s magic baby-will-stop-crying-no-matter-what sauce. Dip the paci in it for extended periods of silence and smiles.
And you’ve officially been baptized by parenthood fire when your kid spits up…IN YOUR EAR.
Meggie D - Seriously. I have no words. The tears started welling immediately, but they got to rolling when I saw the solo pic of Leo in his gray hat on our blanket. I can’t really thank you enough for these. They are exactly what I wanted (but you and me? Anticipate each others next move…we’re mind readers.) I love, love, love them. And I love you! Thank you for being in our lives JBZ. You are truly the B-E-S-T, best, best, BEST!! xoxoxo
Faye - OH MY GOODNESS! Could little Leo get any cuter??? What a sweetie! And Megs is totally beautiful! Motherhood looks so good on you girl! Gorgeous images Jenny!!!!!!
stephanie - such an adorable session Jenny!! perfection!!
Trenda - Thank you so much, these pictures are wonderful. I am a ex-co-worker of Megan’s and just love being able to keep in touch, and these photos makes it possible, you captured them!
Carrie - this is the most adorable family EVER! Jenny you did such an amazing job capturing their love for Leo and did I mention I love the blog questions at the end? You and all your friends are beautiful!
Shana Thacker - Just fabulously gorgeous! I remember being at Buckeye Lake in the fall of 2008, right after Megan & Drew started dating. I could see the sparkle & It was my 1st time meeting Megan. She was smiley & sweet, & to see the family they have now makes me smile! Leo is just precious & these photos are amazing! ☺️
Nicki - What an unbelievably adorable family!! I can’t even pick a favorite, I’m OBSESSED with all of these! You did a fantastic job capturing all the love this family obviously has for each other. Awesome awesome job!!
Mary Ann - Sweet Jenny! These are the most wonderful gift Megan’s daddy and I could have asked for! Thank you so for sharing your talent with us. These pictures are so special… The blanket Leo is sitting on was made by his Great Great Grandmother Hendrick’s. We will treasure them always.
Micah - WHAT a precious little guy and adorable family! There is sooo much fun in these images! Great job!!
Mama Signa - I don’t think I have met these friends, but loved looking anyway. Great job Jenny. And I love reading your writing almost as much as looking at the photos! 🙂
ashley - These are seriously AMAZING!!! Megan…you look freaking awesome and Leo is beyond adorable!!! The hubs looks good too! 😉 Gorgeous family and gorgeous images!
Amy - What great captures! JBZ, you always do amazing work. I went back and even looked at the newborn ones to recall which babe we were looking at. Super cute! (I love those images too.) 🙂 I also love the “about them” at the bottom. Very funny!
kim - oh my goodness ~~ how beautiful!! Love them all!
Britt - What?!??! Megan, how are you so skinny after having a baby?!?? And you guys are seriously the cutest family, like, evah. All that interaction and eye contact and expressions and cuteness!! Jenny – wonderful work, and Megan, you are too cute. This session is totally making my morning!
Bobbi - I’M OBSESSSSSED WITH THEEEEEEEESE!!!!!!!! No, for real.. I am. Megan, you’re ridiculously gorgeous! And that baby?! Mr. Leo?!?! AHHHH!!! AND THEN I MELTED INTO ONE ZILLION PIECES! My ovaries need to calm down after this post. TMI? Psh. High fives Jenny!
Molly - Okay, seriously, this is like the fifth time I’ve come back to look at this post. THESE PHOTOS ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! Megan, you could not be even the slightest bit more beautiful (inside or out), and you have made such a wonderful family. Leo is so unbelievably adorable and the obvious love for him that flows out of you and Drew is heart-stopping. My absolute favorite is the second to last one; it overwhelms me with joy for you. Jenny, you nailed this session—absolutely, 100%.
And by the way, Meg, you could chop of all that beautiful hair and your smile would still stop me in my tracks. And your cute outfits are icing on the cake. 🙂
Melissa - OHMYGOODNESS!!! Favorite fam sesh I’ve seen in…maybe ever! Megan, I LOVE how you love your little man!! These images are SO perfect!!! SO. Can’t express it enough…and Megan, your outfit and shoes!!! OMG!! And your hair….Jenny wasn’t kidding…don’t ever cut it. K? K! 🙂 LOVE THIS SESSION!!!!!
Chrissy - Whoa, hello, gorgeous Megan!!!!!!!!!! And sweet little Leo!!!!!! Oh man, you guys are darling!! Love all of these images so much! The light is to die for!! Jenny, fabulous job!
Sally - WOW, is this little family gorgeous, or what?! Beautiful photographs, Jenny. I melted a few times looking at these. That picture of little Leo in the hat on the blanket is just beyond words. Really, really nice!
Jen S. - Maybe one of my favorite family sessions from you!! Just when I think I have a favorite photo, I scroll down. Leo is too adorable!!
Megan - Wow. Megan, you’re gorgeous. Your son is the epitome of adorable. Jenny, these images are perfection. I couldn’t pick a favorite because they’re all amazing.
Lindsay Strode - I can’t, I’m dying! I want to steal Leo and those adorable cheeks. And I want to look like Megan when I grow up because damn! Seriously, love everything about this session and this sweet family!! Awesome, awesome job Jenny!