The Crosses are no strangers to this blog. I’ve done their family photography a few times. You can see them here, here, and here. Andrew turned 6 months old just in time for the beauty that is fall in the midwest. He was equal parts smiley and fussy for this session, as all babies tend to be. But when he flashes that big gummy smile at you, you forget about all the fussiness. He really is such a happy baby, and you can tell mom and dad are pretty obsessed with him.
the whole first part of the session, baby andy kept looking back at me and smiling, even when mom and dad were doing their best to make him look at them. i felt pretty special. haha
he definitely looooooovvvvvvessssss his mommy!
the beautiful claire bear! ps her birthday was yesterday!! hope you had a fab day CB!
i had to include this. so funny. his pants were just a tad to big and all the bouncing around finally made them fall down. it was hilarious. and i’ve had a lot of people tell me that they like it when i include images that ‘keep it real’ so to speak (with crying infants and fingers in noses, lol) so i had to post this. plus claire’s face is priceless.
and there you have it! little andrew is 6 months old and cute as ever! Thank you Crosses for choosing me for your family photography, i know you have a lot of options and it makes me feel special that you continue to choose me! Love you guys!! xxJBZ
Claire&Brycen | married 3 years | 07.10.2010 | Dayton, OH
how they met: I met Brycen when I was 13 at a church event for teens. I remember praying that he would be my boyfriend. When I was 17 Brycen asked me to be “his girl” The rest is history, super cheesy history!
Claire | hometown: Springboro, Ohio | home now: Dayton, OH | stay at home momma | 5 words (as described by brycen): fun, loving, beautiful, caring & sexy
Brycen | hometown: Fairborn, Ohio | home now: Dayton, OH | Mortgage Originator | 5 words (as described by claire): intelligent, kind, patient, witty, selfless
Andrew | 7 months | 03.29.2013 | 5 words: easy going, cuddly, happy, loving, and 100% all boy!
a favorite memory/moment from Andrew’s life so far:
When Brycen comes home from work, Andrew cackles and kicks his legs because he is so excited to see his daddy!
Jennifer Crowe - Love this family session! Beautiful photos & an adorable baby! Great job!
Laura - Jenny – these are fabulous!!! The location, the lighting, the happy smiley baby – all perfect!! 🙂
Bobbi - CUTIE MCCUTERSON!!!! Loving these! You’re so good at outdoor lighting… 🙂 High fives friend!
Claire Cross - Jenny!
These are so wonderful! It was crazy to click in his newborn pictures, and then see these! My babes is SO big! Anyway, you captured him perfectly! There aren’t enough words to say THANK YOU.
Can I just say that the fact that BOBBI thinks Andrew is cute totally made my day!
Love ya JB!!
Faye - These are so wonderful Jenny!!! Um and hello….I totally love this family 🙂 Andrew is such a cutie and those cheeks!!!! Squeeze Squeeze!
Kate - So so in love with the “keepin’ it real image”…little dude loosing his pants 🙂 And the rest are of course amazing also!
Jacqie - So stinking sweet! Love this family!
Nicki - Love fall sessions, the colors and the lighting are so pretty. What a beautiful family! Love the family photo where the little guy is looking right at the camera. Such a cutie!
Jaime - Love every single one!! Wonderful job!!
Micah - That little guy is a STUD!! And the light looks beautiful!! Nice work!
Tsone Boyo - Oh, Jenny… how did you manage to keep your camera in your hands? I would have hugged Andrew all day… he’s so adorable! Great work!
Megan D - It’s Leo’s little buddy!!!! You guys look PRESH!! Love how happy he is in every photo. Tooooooo cauuuuuute! Great job JBZ! Killed it!
Megan - That little guy is SO Darn’d cute! You rocked this family photo shoot, Jenny!!