Meet the Beck family. This is the first time they’ve been on my blog and i couldnt be happier to introduce them. I have known matt since we were in elementary school, dare i say, early as kindergarten? Something like that, so we’ve known each other a long time. we just about lived on the same street as we were growing up so we were always on the same bus and thing. Fast forward a few years, Joah looks so much like matt did when we were little, with plenty of his mama’s good looks too! I was so thrilled when Miriah emailed me about doing their family photography. Since i knew matt and followed his running career (he’s pretty inspiring by the way), i eventually connected with Miriah on social media too and saw that she was a runner too, a little more on my level. While its always fun to interact online, its way cooler to meet in person. i loved miriah instantly, her smile is infectious… its no wonder joah’s is the same. He was a little shy when we all first met, but it wasn’t long before he warmed up and we were laughing with the best of them. My cheeks seriously hurt driving away from this session from laughing and smiling so hard. we had so. much. fun.
who doesnt love a good swing from their parents?
such a little cuddlebug!
and i know you cant tell from these photos but i found out shortly before this session that Miriah is expecting!! They are due in april and i have no doubt that this kid will be ADORBS! Congrats again, friends! Thanks to you guys so much for trusting me with your family photos! I had a blast and i hope we do it again!
Miriah&Matt | married 8 years | 06.11.05 | Beavercreek, OH
how they met: We met at work, while playing softball. He asked me on a date and I said yes… The rest is history I guess.
Miriah | hometown: Xenia, Ohio | Financial Analyst | 5 words (as described by matt): smart, caring, friendly, sensitive, loving
Matt | hometown: Beavercreek, Ohio | Program Manager | 5 words (as described by miriah): caring, determined, fun-loving, intelligent, sexy!
Joah | 4 years | 05.07.09 | 5 words: funny, lovable, outgoing, sweet, rotten 🙂
a favorite memory from Joah’s life so far:
There are so many… he’s such a funny kid! My favorite memory is the first time i saw him and we cuddled. He was just perfect! (Miriah)
When Joah was an infant, he would always get cranky at the same time in the morning and need to take an early nap. So, I would start to rock him and I’d turn on VH1 to listen to the top 20 countdown. He would always, ALWAYS, fall asleep to the same song, “Second Chance” by Shinedown. Who knew Shinedown sang lullabies? (Matt)
Bobbi - You’ve been ROCKING these family sessions Jenny! That first one?! Miriah… CANVAS IT!
Tsone Boyo - Joah has such a charming smile! I love this 🙂
Britt - SOOO CUTE!!!!! Great job with these, Jenny!!
Katie D. - Ok I love them all but I really love that first and last image!!! Those are perfection! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE that B&W with Joah swinging!!!
Nicki - What an adorable family! That cuddlebug picture is perfect! These photos are all great!
Faye - Nice job with this family jenny! As ALWAYS!!!!!! He’s a doll! I’d be loving him up too if I were his parents….So many fun times here in this session!
Meggie D - Second to last!!! AMAZING!!! Love love! xoxox
Zach and Sarah - Love the next to last one! Love these!
Micah - What a handsome little red head!!! Haha that’s awesome! Looks like he had a GREAT time! And it’s apparent that he’s got some parents that love him a ton! The one of him smiling with his hands in his pockets and the parents in the background=my FAV!!
Jennifer Crowe - What a fun session! Love the fall colors!
jen Saner - Could they be any cuter?!! I love the close-up of them!!