Meet one of my favorite set of siblings. I was so excited when Erica asked me to set up a family photography session for her and her siblings. I did both Erica’s and Meagan’s senior sessions a few years ago and had so much fun with them. And the four of them together, well, you shall see how much fun we had. We shot past sunset and it was getting pretty dark but i was having such a blast with them, watching them interact, i couldve shot for so much longer if we’d had the light!
So i knew ahead of time that we were gonna add the dogs for a few sessions, which is always ok with me, i’m a huge fan of dogs. When we all got there, the younger sibs told me that having the dogs in the photos was Erica’s idea. Turns out she’s just like me, total dog lover. They’re part of the family too! And they cooperated for the most part, how cute are they?i love this image so much.. i dont know why.. just something about a boy and his dog. Plus, i have a little soft spot in my heart for Connor… he reminds me a lot of my baby brother: both wrestlers, both not HUGE fans of getting their photos taken, both have crazy sisters 😉
These next four images, each of them individually.. i die. there was so much laughter during the hour+ i was with them.
Brielle (can i just take a sec to talk about Brielle’s hair?! gorge):Connor:
and Erica:
If i had to use one word to sum up their session, it would be laughter.. hands down. so. much. laughing.Â
You guys, thank you SO much for trusting me with your family photography! i had SO much fun with you. I hope you love these images as much as i do!! xxJBZ
Britt - Oh my gosh, Jenny, you ROCKED this session! Their parents are going to LOVE these images, and if I were one of those siblings, I’d sure be getting some copies printed for myself, too! Perfect for taking to college or putting up in your first house. Makes me wish I had pictures like this of my brother and myself!
kim - JENNY!!!!!!! I LOVE these!!! Those images of each individual laughing ~ those would go on my wall ~ big time!!! What a beautiful family!!!
Jaime - WOW Jenny! I am in LOVE with these four…you really captured personalities!! What a treasure!
Michelle - What beautiful photos of beautiful siblings!! They will cherish these forever!!!
mel - how fun!
Meggie D - Looooove! What an awesome way for them to remember this time together. They all look so happy!great job JBZ!
Erica+Eric | Dayton, Ohio Wedding Photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] for about 8 years now, ever since i did her senior photos! I caught up with her a few years ago to photograph her and her siblings as a surprise for their mom and dad and had such a fun time with them, i was so excited to work […]