Its no secret that JJ and I come from pretty big families..and as we get older, they keep getting bigger. And i come from a family that always tries to celebrate birthdays together when we can.. thats a lot of birthday parties.. and i love every minute of it. And being that we’re both from the same home town, when my family has a birthday get together, we try to stop by to visit with JJ’s family as well.. I think they’re getting used to me wanting to take photos all the time.. Having lost my dad sooner than we were ready for, i’m a big believer in documenting family get togethers.
I really couldnt have asked for better in laws:
everytime i take pics of the Zink side, i get a little pang because JJ’s other sister Linds lives in Florida w her hubs.. we dont get to see them much. =(
so proud of kyle, he graduated from college this year! yay kyle!
i also like to try to take updated pics and update the blog with personal posts for our family who lives in Michigan and we dont get to see that often.. this way they can all see updated pics of the kiddos! (Hi Aunt Mary Anne and Aunt Barb!)
anytime i can get a pic of Mikey smiling like this, its a good day. he’s pretty wary of me most of the time so i die over that little grin.
Happy Birthday to my big brother!!
and as always, one of my little brothers has to leave the party so that they other brother can come.. so justin missed out on the big family photo again but i promise next time we’ll take the family photo before you leave, just!
these two little monkeys are finally getting to the age where they WANT to be in our photos.. i love it.
birthday squeezes for daddy!
haha its never easy to get a family photo of this group where they are all looking at the camera.. theres always at least one who is unhappy about the whole thing.. this time it was Lo-lo.
so, there’s a little glimpse into our Sunday funday.. enjoy this beautiful monday, friends! xxJBZ