This child.. she is super animated and smart and talkative and inquisitive and adorable! You never really know whats going to happen with a ‘three-nager”..they really do run the show.. Family photo sessions with littles around this age are totally dependent on whatever they wanna do.. and adelyn, well, she was on a princess hunt.. and this little bridge looks like it’s straight out of a Disney fairy tale, doesnt it?
Everywhere we went, she was hoping to find a princess. so needless to say, much of our conversations were about the princesses. her favorite is Rapunzel (bet you couldnt tell by looking at that hair)
what kid doesnt like to swing? she was very adamant that she wasnt afraid to go super high, way up to the sky…
this is one of my favorite family photos ever.. the pure joy, little kid laughter, melts me..
Adelyn wanted to be like her mama.. whenever i had kristen do something, adelyn was mimicking her..
another one of my favorites.. these two have so much fun together.. so so sweet.
mama and i go way back.. we’ve actually known each other over a decade (DECADE!) now.. we were only 15 when we met 😉 (i kid, i kid) But how stunning is she??
so of course, Adelyn saw mommy posing in front of the ‘castle’.. and she had to, too.. look at that sweet little grin! this kid. so cute. the whole session i kept repeating how adorable she was.. her smiles just totally melted me.
Kristen, thank you for trusting me to capture precious images of you and your ADORABLE little mini. i had tons of fun with you guys, even if it was 120 degrees with 89% humidity. ha. lets get coffee soon, kay? kay. xxJBZ