Baby Will is so fun to photograph. At 6 months old, he’s full of giggles and smiles and fun expressions. And is eyes, oh his eyes are so amazingly blue and sparkly! I could hardly stop gushing about how cute he is to mom and dad. he really is just such a cute and happy baby. this is my second time photographing this adorable baby and his amazing parents and i get to do it one more time in the fall. I’m really looking forward to that session too. But i’m getting ahead of myself. These images will speak for themselves. enjoy will’s baby smiles! look at those eyes!
6/7 months is such a fun age for baby photography because their personality is really starting to show, they can usually sit (or almost) by themselves but they arent mobile yet and they’re just full of smiles.
i LOVE this image of Lynn and Will.. they both look so happy!
baby will and family | columbus baby photography

Lynn - Thank you Jenny! I’m so happy with how these turned out. They look fantastic!
Meggie D - oh my! That 4th photo down!! Heart melter!! Awesome job Jenny! This age is so precious. I can’t WAIT for you to get photos of our boy at this age. Eeeeek!!!
Will is One! | Columbus Family Photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] I’ve been lucky enough to photograph this family a few times now and i have LOVED watching little Will grow. He captured my heart the minute i met him last year. You can just tell how smitten his parents are as well. I absolutely adore this family and hope i continue to photograph then in years to come. his sweet smile and those big baby blues of his.. i melt every time. Check out Will’s 6 month session HERE. […]