well if you’ve been keeping up with my blog at all lately, you’ve been waiting for these just like i have. i’m always honored when a mom and dad allow me the honor of doing the newborn photography for their new little ones.. when one of them is a photographer themselves, i feel even more special. These new images of their tiny little peanut are so important to capture just how teeny they once were. We all know how fast babies grow and its so nice to capture forever how truly itty bitty they were. Baby andy is no different. this session took us a long time. mostly because i kept stealing baby snuggles. he’s the perfect little cuddle bear. And at only a week old, still SO tiny! he was also one of the most well behaved babies i’ve ever photographed. we had NO accidents and that is a total rarity. So thanks baby AC for that. 😉 without further ado, lets get to his photos!
look at his perfect little lips.we almost got a full smile out of him for this one.. but i’ll take a half smile.. plus, look at those baby wrinkles!! LOVE!
first time mom and dad..they’ve already said multiple times how they dont know how they ever lived without him.
claire, you’re stunning.
Andrews big ‘sisters’ are never far from him, always making sure he’s ok.
you guys.. again, so many congrats.. he’s perfect and i love him. just as much as i love you both. xxJBZ
Meggie D - I don’t know how I missed this!! I LOVE it!! Baby Andrew is perfect and Claire you look stunning! Congrats!! xoxo JBZ, amaze as always. mwah!
The Cross Family | Dayton Family Photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] this blog. I’ve done their family photography a few times. You can see them here, here, and here. Andrew turned 6 months old just in time for the beauty that is fall in the midwest. He was equal […]