*warning-this post contains a LOT of images. many more than i usually post. but its extra special. its also birth photography but dont worry, there’s nothing graphic*
its very hard for me to find the words for this post. Birth photography is special enough, but when its the birth of the baby of two of your close friends, the words here will fall quite short. March 29th was one of the most emotional days of my life. i cant even imagine what it would be like to actually be the one giving birth. i was SO honored when Claire and Brycen asked me to be there to photograph the birth of their baby. How special is that. My girlfriend Lauren said yesterday, “that totally bonds you guys for life”. how true. i knew if would be emotional (i’m an emotional wreck lately with all these babies being born) and even claire told me to “dry it up, sister”. haha
Claire was scheduled to have her c section on April 12th. But from early on in her pregnancy she knew she was going to come early. 3 weeks before her scheduled due date, on a friday night, i got a text saying, ‘having contractions, going to hospital’. i started freaking out. not for what you may think, i’m afraid. i was in town (yay) but i was also at my brothers girlfriends 21st birthday get together with none of my gear (boo). i had a little panic attack to my mom who confidently assured me, ‘oh its braxton hicks, dont worry’. haha, moms. but, clearly, she was right (of course she was, she had 5 kids!). So the weekend went by and Claire and Brycen were able to go home with clear instructions for claire to take it easy. that next wednesday i was in town again for a session and had dinner with c & b. i ooh’d and aah’d over her belly some more like i always do. made brycen take an iphone pic of us as it might be ‘our last pic together before slater* gets here’. as we parted, they were all, ok, see you in a week or so.. the next day, thursday, i was out running. a mile and a half or so from my car i get a text, ‘so, whatcha doing?’ another freakout on my part.. omg is it baby time? i’m so far from my car and tired i wont even be able to run that fast back to it. can i make it to my car, home to get my gear and then to dayton in time? luckily it wasnt a rush rush rush scenario like i thought it would be. Finally i got news at about 930 that night, baby’s coming in the morning. i did a little happy dance that he’ll finally be here and that i wasnt going to miss it. i woke up so early friday morning, i was like a kid at christmas, and headed down to dayton to be with my friends on one of the most special days of their lives. The images that follow tell the story of their day.
little andrew chad was born at 8am on the dot. and weighing in at 8 lbs, 1.5 oz and 20 inches long
this little guy screamed and cried for at least the first 45 minutes of his life. he was working those lungs, boy.
daddy cut the cord…
and finally mama gets to see her baby up close and personal.
well hello there sweet thing!
teeny tiny baby parts make me melt.
claire bear, you did so great. so proud of you.
i tried to wait patiently for my turn to snuggle him. he’s perfect.
so crazy to see her as a mom..
after they had a few minutes alone in the new room with their new babe.. it was time for the families to meet Andrew. claires parents are first time grandparents and claires grandparents are first time great grandparents. they were so excited. this is brycen’s parents second grandson. an emotional day for everyone!
i like that sweet newborn smell too gpa staten!
and then it was time for some skin on skin with mommy.. and time for me to leave. i couldve stayed there all day taking photos of this little miracle and his new family. i’m heading down to see them today and shoot andrews first photography session. i cant believe he’s a week old already. but it also feels like forever since i’ve seen them.
congrats again claire and brycen.. and the whole staten and cross families. if i love AC this much, i can only imagine how full your hearts are for this little guy. he’s pretty amazing. but with c & b as his parents, was there really ever any doubt?
*slater is just a nick name. when c & b told me what they were going to name him, i was like, aww AC.. then i was like AC Slater! Oh i’m totally calling him Slater.
if you get the reference, high fives. =)
ps. birth photography is one of my new favorite things to do. this was my first, but hopefully it wont be my last. so special and amazing.
Nicole Reno - Oh, Jenny! These are just gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! This beautiful family will cherish these forever. Made me tear up 🙂
Lisa Staten - There are no words to describe how beautifully you captured the first momemnts and so many memories of this sweet little boy’s life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Can’t wait to see the ones you take today :)Way to go “Aunt Jenny!”
Lisa “Mamaw” Staten
Maike - Well done Jenny! I LOVE the first one of him swaddled. Such a concerned grumpy at being born look :).
Pat Pittman - Thank you for the beautiful pictures. You did such a wonderful job.
Great Mimi Pat
Pam Winterrowd - Wow, you got some amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us. Beautiful baby….the beginning of their own little family. A precious time in their marriage.
Destinee - These are beautiful, Jenny! Great job! Births are one of my favorite types of sessions to shoot! Incredible!
Carol Rees - This was an amazing journey with beautiful Andrew making his entrance into the world! Jenny, I’ve never seen a birth so well documented; you did a wonderful job. Andrew will never have to wonder what he looked like! 🙂
Joyce Cross - What beautiful touching photos of a very emotional day for our family. We are so blessed by the birth of Andrew Chad and are very thankful to have these pictures that capture the day. Thank you Aunt Jenny for sharing your gift of photography with so many.
Grammy Joyce Cross
Faye Faye - Oh JB these are so beautiful! LOVE LOVE LOVE and so happy for Claire and Brycen!!!!
Addie Kidd - Love these! What beautiful images!! Congrats to the family – there’s obviously a lot of love surrounding this little one.
Chrissy - These are soooo wonderful, Jenny!!!!
Michele - This is so amazing!!!!! Best blog ever. Made me smile!!!! I want to look that beautiful after I give birth! Wow!
Meggie D - I cried!!! I love these!! Jenny, you kicked the shizz outta birth photography! You nailed it. Claire and her family will cherish these forever. Bless you!! Congrats Claire and btw…you looked FAB. I know for a FACT I didn’t look 5% that amaze after Leo got here. Good job girl. xoxo
Albion Boone Cross arrives | Columbus Birth Photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] the second birth I’ve photographed for the Crosses and it was no less amazing than the first (you can see big brother Andrew’s birth here). Claire has been ready to meet baby Albie for weeks now, but i kept hoping she would hold out […]