So, as promised, here is a super adorbs maternity sesh of Meg and her hubby Drew. These two.. There are hardly words. The way they love each other is almost overwhelming. They have cute little pet names and arent afraid to use them in front of other people. And just the way they look at each other makes me melt. BBD (baby boy Danser for those of you who may not know) is going to be so super loved. At one point during the session, Drew looked down at Meg (because she uber short, lol) and said “we’re having a baby”.. it was the sweetest thing ever.. melt my heart into a billion pieces. These two were so fun to photograph..and how cute are Megan’s outfits?! I love shopping with her because she helps me with my lack of fashion. Enjoy the cuteness and feel free to leave them some love in the comments!
Meggie and Drew.. i cannot WAIT to meet BBD.. love yous! xxJBZ
melanie - so pretty! love those steps!
Meggie D - AHHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE THEM ALLLLL!!!! Jenny you amaze me!! You made me cry! This is exactly what we wanted. Thank you so so so much. I’m so glad to have you in my life and I can’t wait for you to take BBD’s official first photograph. Thank you for being the shizz. xoxo
Brandy Keener - Great job capturing the inner & outer beauty of my cousin in these precious moments!
Mary Ann - Jenny! These are beautiful…I keep looking at them trying to find a favorite, but that is impossible! Thank you x 10 for giving Drew and Meg exactly what they wanted…A way to remember this wonderful special time in their lives. Love them all.
Destinee - Beautiful images of a beautiful family! Especially love the first two. But they are all gorgeous!
Ryan - Wow, all of them are beautiful. Amazing!!!
Ang S. - I’ve known Meg since jr. High. She’s always been and will always be b e a U tiful!!! Great pictures <3
megan&drew&leo | columbus family photography » Jenny Barnes Photography - […] team is no stranger to this blog. you guys remember the dansers.. and then added little leo .. well little leo got a little bigger, and actually looks totally […]